Fforwm Elusennau Bach Cymru / Welsh Small Charities Forum

  • Fforwm Elusennau Bach Cymru / Welsh Small Charities Forum

    Posted by Kelly Huxley-Roberts on 7th September 2023 ar 12:19 pm

    Bore da / good morning! I work as Wales Policy and Partnerships Manager for Lloyds Bank Foundation. We tend to fund small charities working on complex social issues. Many of our charity partners are frustrated and stressed by commissioning practice across Wales. As a Foundation, we are keen to support people closest to issues to shape policy and influence decisions on things which affect them directly.

    We are launching a Welsh Small Charities Forum this month to begin bringing small charities together around issues of shared concern. The first topic of discussion will be commissioning, but we will likely bring in other topics at some point too.

    We begin with our charity partners but plan to expand the Forum as the conversation progresses.

    Are you interested in this? (Either the Forum itself, or the topic of commissioning.)

    If so, please message or email me [email protected]


    Kelly Huxley-Roberts atebwyd 1 blwyddyn, 1 mis yn ôl 1 aelod · 3 atebion
  • 3 atebion
  • Kelly Huxley-Roberts

    9th October 2023 ar 12:40 pm

    A quick update.

    The forum has prepared a longlist of commissioning recommendations and will meet again in November to refine this into a shortlist.

    We will prepare a short briefing paper/report and I welcome anyone interested in the forum and the topic of commissioning to contribute your perspective and insight!

  • Kelly Huxley-Roberts

    30th October 2023 ar 4:11 pm

    Invitation to attend Welsh Small Charities Forum during Welsh Charities Week

    The next small charities forum will be on Wednesday 15 November, at 10:30am – 12pm, which is during Welsh Charities Week. In the spirit of championing the sector, Lloyds Bank Foundation is hosting the Welsh Small Charities Forum, to bring people together and identify positive solutions to shared issues.

    The forum is aimed at small charities so please do share with relevant people in your networks.

    The first forum in September brought together many of our current charity partners and focused on making a longlist of recommendations related to commissioning in Wales. The November forum will develop this further so we can engage others and act collectively to push for improvements and shape relevant guidance, like the Social Partnerships and Procurement guidance currently being worked on by Welsh Government.

    Interested attendees can click the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqceytpz4sH9Vb5e6e69R-oEKAjxEHmXxQ#/registration

  • Kelly Huxley-Roberts

    5th February 2024 ar 5:01 pm

    Please share / register to attend

    The Welsh Small Charities Forum coordinated by Lloyds Bank Foundation is meeting again on

    15 February, 12 – 2pm

    The forum’s focus at the moment is on commissioning.

    People interested in attending, can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkc-GuqzsoHN0oiIlblQ09iwFMrMfSDhWJ#/registration

    We have allocated 2 hours over lunch so that people may be able to join for half, if not all of the forum. There will be a break halfway.

    The forum met twice in 2023 and is meeting for the first time this year to elaborate upon the 10 Commissioning Best Practice Recommendations which were compiled just before Christmas, and to collectively agree concrete actions to take this spring and summer to make sure that people’s voices are heard in the right places.

    This forum is primarily aimed at people working for or running small charities who are commissioned to deliver services of any kind anywhere in Wales, or those who support such organisations e.g. CVCs. If this is something that concerns you/your organisation, I hope you or someone else from your network can attend.

    My email address is [email protected]

Mewngofnodwch i ateb.