It is more important than ever that voluntary organisations have the skills and tools they need to find funding and diversify their income. Third Sector Support Wales [insert link – About us] works to ensure a thriving and sustainable third sector where organisations secure and generate the resources they need to survive, thrive, and remain relevant in the future.

In this section you will find guidance on different types of fundraising activity and information on financial processes such as tendering, being fit for funding and online fundraising.

Whether you are looking to improve your financial systems or want to try new ways of fundraising, these resources are here to help you.

Based on your interests

Introduction to Tendering
Sustainable Funding

Introduction to Tendering

Voluntary sector organisations are increasingly seeking to diversify their income sources by incorporating strategies and techniques to achieve a sustainable funding base. Tendering for the delivery of goods or services under the terms of a contract is one of many options that can be considered to generate income.

Introduction to Tendering
Costing your tender
Sustainable Funding

Costing your tender

Voluntary sector organisations are increasingly seeking to diversify their income sources by incorporating strategies and techniques to achieve a sustainable funding base.

Costing your tender
Full Cost Recovery
Sustainable Funding

Full Cost Recovery

Full cost recovery is a method of budgeting projects or services that allows organisations to recover all costs associated with the delivery of the project or service when applying to funders or submitting tenders.

Full Cost Recovery

Resources by pillar

Group producing documents

Good Governance

Helping you to lead and manage your organisation

Good Governance
Supporting hand


Building better communities through volunteering

Group of people engaging through joining hands

Engagement & Influencing

Communicating and Influencing to effect change

Engagement & Influencing