Catalyst Cymru: Broadening Horizons Toolkit

The Catalyst Cymru: Broadening Horizons project provided support to micro, small and medium sized heritage organisations or organisations running a heritage project to broaden their income streams and reach new audiences and people.

Funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund, WCVA ran Catalyst Cymru: Broadening Horizons in partnership with Cwmpas. The project is also supported by Ethnic Youth Support Team, Disability Wales and Pride Cymru.

The project provided support under 4 strands:

  • In-depth coaching support topics such as governance, business planning and income generation to help improve resilience and the ability to deal with change.
  • Training programme delivered with Wales Cooperative Centre covering topics such as Enterprising Leadership, Rethinking Income Streams and demonstrating social impact
  • Widening network activities planned in conjunction with Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team, Pride Cymru and Disability Wales to support more people to become involved in heritage. These activities were a ‘catalyst’ for heritage organisations and organisations running a heritage project to initiate or progress their work on improving the diversity of their organisations
  • Community Grants for heritage organisations or organisations undertaking a heritage project

This legacy toolkit has been developed based on the learning from the widening networks activities to support other organisations work to increase diversity within their work. Whilst the case studies within this toolkit are all heritage organisations, this is a resource for all organisations looking to widen their networks and broaden their horizons.

We hope you find this resource beneficial, and are able to apply some of the learnings undertaken in the Catalyst Cymru: Broadening Horizons project to your own organisation.

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