Information, guidance and support
Provide accessible information, guidance and support to enable your organisation to practise good governance.
86% of individuals that accessed TSSW governance services said this support had helped to a great or some extent with confidence in leading their organisation.
Learning and development
Provide trustees and paid staff with practical assistance to operate legally and effectively.
Connecting third sector organisations with specialist support
Our networks enable us to understand the range of support available and connect you with the specialist information and advice that best meets your needs.
Good Governance – Information
Adoption Policy
This example is intended for guidance purposes and should be adapted to suit your particular organisation.
Health and Safety
This guidance is designed to introduce you, a charity or as an organisation that works with volunteers, to your health and safety responsibilities.
Model Constitution for Setting up a Small Charity
If you want to start up a small charity, you will need a set of rules which explain what the charity does and how it is to be run.