Introduction to Safeguarding in the Voluntary Sector (Wales)

Introduction to Safeguarding in the Voluntary Sector (Wales)

This course aims to provide an introduction to safeguarding that will increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities and where to find further…

Introduction to Safeguarding in the Voluntary Sector (Wales)
Safeguarding Responsibilities for Trustees - An Introduction

Safeguarding Responsibilities for Trustees - An Introduction

To provide an introduction to the role of trustees in safeguarding and the responsibilities placed upon them by various regulators and legislation. Please login.

Safeguarding Responsibilities for Trustees - An Introduction
Financial Guidance and Oversight for Trustees

Financial Guidance and Oversight for Trustees

Overview To introduce trustees to their role and responsibilities in carrying out the financial governance of a charity. Please login.

Financial Guidance and Oversight for Trustees